The Found for Theosophy is an assistance to the development of socially significant andeducational activities, spiritual and moral education of society, the formation and approval of a unified system of spiritual values basedon the ideas and principles of theosophy.
- support and implementation of programs based on the main principles of theosophy;
- exchange of experience in the field of theosophical activity;
- support effective interactions between scientific, educational organizations and business communities;
- support, development and implementation of socially significant programs, interdisciplinary and partnership projects aimed at spiritual human improvement;
- promotion of the creation of new research, educational, cultural Centers, associations of culture, science, education and education;
- supporting the participation of gifted young people in national and international scientific, cultural, social projects, grants, conferences, scientific symposia, public forums and seminars;
- support of socially significant youth initiatives, projects, children's and youth movement and organizations;
- support of programs, projects and activities in the field of science and education aimed at integrating theosophical knowledge;
- support young scientists, teachers, whose activities are based on fundamental ideas and principles of theosophy;
- support and implementation of cultural and educational work in mass media in order to promote the ideas of universal values, ideals of good, mercy and charity;
- assistance in the construction of social, research, cultural sites;
- assistance in the implementation of the repair, restoration of significant objects cultural heritage, monuments of architecture and urban planning;
- assistance in the publication and translation of theosophical works, texts of the Tibetan Buddhist Canon and ancient Indian philosophical works, including treatises promoting the development of the exact sciences: astrology, astronomy,physics, chemistry, biology, psychology, medicine;
- charitable activities.
The symbol is a cedar cone, in the structure of which the shape of a spiral is manifested, associated with great productive and creative Cosmic Power.
The image of a spiral in the form of a cedar cone is one of the deepest symbols of the universe. The spiral algorithm lies in the very foundation of the universe.
The symbol of well-being, prosperity, strength, integrity, longevity, beauty, perfection, durability, indestructibility and confidence in the future, calm and height of spirit, healing energy - a symbol of immortality and key, which opens the border between light and darkness, life and death, good and evil.
Theosophia Foundation Projects

A socially significant event in Your city
The main concept is to support and develop activities based on the spiritual and moral education of society, scientific research, socially significant and educational activities aimed at the ideas of humanism, tolerance, morality, mutual assistance, regardless of nationality and religion.

Interregional theosophical seminar "Evolution of consciousness" in your Сity!
The content of the Seminar is based on scientific research developments of ancient, Eastern and Western philosophy in synthesis with natural science, theosophical and humanitarian knowledge. The presented topics are based on scientific research based on the works of: H.P. Blavatsky, in particular, the "Secret Doctrine"; the Roerichs family; Pythagoras; Plato; Origen; the Tibetan philosopher, thinker and reformer of Tibetan Buddhism Jae Tsongkhapa.

Popular science and esoteric literature (books and magazines)
Edition Kalachakra Tantra 1, 2, 3 volumes; Journal on the results of the International Theosophical Congress; Popular Science Journal “Theosophical Vector”; Poetry collection “To Helena Petrovna Blavatsky” poems of the participants of the International Poetry Contest; Album of paintings of the Art Exhibition dedicated to H.P. Blavatsky; “The Secret Doctrine”, gift collector's edition and others.

H.P. Blavatsky International Research Center
The purpose is to study and form fundamental principles of systematic research of the "Secret Doctrine" by H.P. Blavatsky as a new basis of natural, humanitarian, exact and applied sciences.

ALBATROSS — International Theosophical publishing house

Seven cities, Seven esoteric meetings and live conversations for everyone who is interested in and studies the works of H.P. Blavatsky and the Roerich family, took place in July 2021. More than 13 thousand people viewed the publications during the Theosophical Tour.

International Theosophical Congress

International Art Competition dedicated to Helena Petrovna Blavatskaya

International Poetry Competition "Helena Petrovna Blavatskaya"

International Music Competition dedicated to Helena Petrovna Blavatsky

Exhibition of popular science and esoteric literature "BOOK EXPEDITION"
We invite to cooperation publishers of popular science and esoteric literature.
Become participants of a significant event!

Author's film by Oleg Martynov

Competition of Russian cities for the right to host the International Theosophical Congress "Theosophy - the heritage of the Great Country"

Monument H.P. Blavatsky

Olympiad of Culture under the Banner of Peaceа

The theosophists speak. Category "Question and Answer"