Of Fine and Decorative and Applied Arts, dedicated to the fundamental scientific work of H.P. Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine

Dear friends!
We invite you to become a participant of the Contest, as part of
III International Theosophical Congress, which will be held:
St. Petersburg, Department of Presidential Affairs of Russian Federation, State Palace of Congresses, Media center hall
November 23,24 2019.

Works in various art styles are accepted.
The age of the participants is not limited.
Stage 1 - correspondence. The application form for participation in the competition (Appendix 1), photos of works should be sent to the Organizing Committee of the competition, the subject of the letter "COMPETITION - CONGRESS", e-mail: until 15.10.2019.
Stage 2 - summing up the results of the Competition, notification to the Competition participants about acceptance of works for the exhibition until 18.10.2019.
Stage 3 - coordination according to the design standards, according to the technical conditions of the exhibition location until 01.11.2019.

You can fill in the online application at
To your attention the album of participants of the art competition-2018, dedicated to the "Secret Doctrine"

The results of the competition can be the publication of books, albums, postcards; the appearance of art objects from various materials (stone, precious and non-precious metals, glass, ceramics and others).
In addition, we expect the emergence of new names in various areas of art, science and public life.

The winner will be awarded the prize of the Fund Theosophy
at the opening of the International Theosophical Congress
Participation in the Competition is free.


Organizing Committee of the International Theosophical Congress, tel/ WhatsApp +7(926)910-92-77, Moscow.
tel/ WhatsApp, +7(911)811-88-18 St. Petersburg.

Dear friends!

We invite you to take part in the work of the Congress, dedicated to the 143rd anniversary of the founding of the international Theosophical Society and the 130th anniversary of The publication of "The Secret Doctrine" of H.P. Blavatsk

The congress will be held in St. Petersburg on November 17-18, 2018.

Address: St. Petersburg, Kazanskaya street, 7, 2nd floor, "Music Hall" hall

The main concept of the event: the scientific value, relevance and significance of the fundamental work of H.P. Blavatsky "The Secret Doctrine"".

Organizers: Branch / Lodge TO "Adamant", Moscow School of Theosophy, School of Theosophy of St. Petersburg.