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The Congress delegates have the opportunity to purchase new editions of books:

  • Three books "Kalachakra-Tantra" (volume 1, 2, 3 - the number is LIMITED!) - a unique scientific publication of translation and interpretation of sacred Tibetan texts by V. S. Dylykova-Parfionovich.
  • Gift collector's edition of the Secret Doctrine published by the International organization "Stars of Mountains". The publication contains corrections based on the list of typos compiled by E. I. Roerich and published in the Secret Doctrine, produced by Lotats publishing house, Minsk in 1997. Translated by E. I. Roerich, The book was produced in Riga in 1937 under her direct supervision. (cover in the material "vivella" (with the effect of "softness"), silver embossed. The set of two volumes is placed in a special cardboard case, sealed in film and packed in a separate box).
  • The book "Eternity - Time of the Gods" by Vladimir Anatolyevich Bakanov is a collection of articles, the author's text about the system and method of scientific research of the "Secret Doctrine" by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky.
  • The book "Pointing the Way" by W. K. Judge — the Russian edition is presented by our colleagues from the Ukraine (DonNTU Institute of Culture).
  • "The light of Asia or the Great Renunciation" by Arnold E. - in poetic form the book describes the life of Gautama Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama, who became Shakyamuni Buddha after enlightenment). As one of the first works to introduce Buddhism to the Western world, the poem became immediately very popular in many countries and was translated into many languages. The book contains a poetic translation by A. M. Fedorov, edited by P. N. Malakhov. The translation was carefully checked against the English original, more than 1000 lines were corrected, and comments were added to the terms used. Publishing house "the Bell" and "Amrita Rus».
  • The Secret Doctrine by H. P. Blavatsky - Wurzburg manuscript (1885-1886), the Wurzburg manuscript of the Secret Doctrine is a fragment of the original text of this classic theosophical work in the version written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky herself. It contains material that was not included in the two-volume book of 1888, but the text that was included was significantly revised. Not all of the manuscript has been preserved. Publishing house "the Bell" and "Amrita Rus».
  • Jewels of the East. H. P. Blavatsky - in this book, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky has collected profound statements from different peoples and times that help us think and understand life more deeply: what surrounds us and what is happening inside us. A new translation of the collection of quotations by H. P. Blavatsky, previously known as "Pearls of the East". Publishing house "the Bell" and "Amrita Rus".
  • Collection of works by W. K. Judge - William Quan Judge – a prominent theosophical figure, friend and associate of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, one of the founders of the Theosophical society, a talented lecturer who clearly expounds the Theosophical worldview. Helena Petrovna repeatedly emphasized the special knowledge and authority of Judge in the dissemination and interpretation of the Theosophical worldview. The first volume of the Collection includes articles for the years 1881-1890. The second volume contains articles for the years 1891-1893. Publishing house "the Bell" and "Amrita Rus".
  • Theosophy in Kabbalah - written in an accessible language, the work of the President of the Theosophical Society (Pasadena, USA) Grace Knohe can give the reader a broad understanding of one of the main Kabbalistic terms — the Tree of Sephiroth, or views of the Kabbalah teaching on the structure of man and the world, and also help to trace the connection between Kabbalistic terms and Theosophical ones. The book will be useful for students of ancient wisdom religions and the grandiose work by H. P. Blavatsky "the Secret Doctrine", which establishes their deep connection. Publishing house "the Bell" and "Amrita Rus".
  • Magazine on the results of the International Theosophical Congress 2019 – presents a detailed narrative about the Congress: greetings from officials and foreign theosophists, award ceremony for participants and winners of Competitions, exhibition of paintings and sculptures dedicated to H. P. Blavatsky, Round Table "Secret Doctrine – the book of the third Millennium", presentation "Kalachakra Tantra" by V. S. Dylykova – Parfionovich, reports by Congress delegates (A4 format , color printing, 150 pages).
  • Poetry collection "Helena Petrovna Blavatsky" 2019, 2020 poems of the participants of the poetry Contest 2019. Participants from regions of the Russian Federation and abroad: Ukraine, Belarus, Czech Republic, Brazil, Finland and regions of the Russian Federation – Moscow, St. Petersburg, Gornoaltaysk, Stavropol, Zarechny, Mytishchi, Volzhsk, the republic of Mari El, Cherepovets, Penza, Yalta, Cheboksary, Zheleznogorsk, etc.
  • Album of an Art exhibition dedicated to Elena Blavatskaya 2019, 2020 - as part of the Congress, an exhibition of participants in an Art competition dedicated to Helena Petrovna Blavatskaya, 28 paintings by artists from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara, Kerch, Tambov, Rostov, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Chuvashia, Poland, etc. Exhibition of sculptures by Alexey Leonov, whose works are in museums around the world and by a young artist from St. Petersburg Alexandra Suleymanova. The exhibition is a stone of "Manadala Kalachakra", the world record holder for artistic cutting of stones, a member of the TS (Adyar)
  • Popular Science magazine "Theosophical Vector" 2020, 2021 pubslishe by the International Theosophic publisher “Albatross” in Russian and English. Scientific esearch articles by Russian and foreign theosophists and scientists:
    Un-Hak Hwang, Ph. D., Professor at the School of Art (South Korea), Taposhri Ganguli, doctor of statistical Sciences, member of the London Theosophical society, (Great Britain), Glenn Mullin - member of the Theosophical society, teacher of Tibetan Buddhism at the Theosophical society in America (USA, Chicago), U. S. Pandey, International Speaker of the Theosophical society, National lecturer of the Indian section, the President of Federation of Uttar Pradesh and Uttahkaranda (India), Luke Michael Ironside, Theosophical society of the Philippines (Morocco), Erica Georgiades, Director of the European School of theosophy (Greece), Arni Narendran, Theosophical society of India, "Blavatsky Lodge" (Mumbai, India), Ramprakash M. L., United Lodge of Theosophists India (Bangalore, India), Vicente Hao Chin, Jr., Theosophical society of the Philippines, Ritva Lappi, Theosophical society of Finland, Blavatsky Lodge (Helsinki), Simon Webber, doctor of psychology, Theosophical society of New Zealand "Wellington Lodge", Annie Kelly, Theosophical society of England (UK), Chally Romero, President of the Theosophical society of the Philippines, Ariel Tarazaga, nuclear engineer, bachelor of philosophy, Theosophical society of Argentina (Buenos Aires. Argentina), S. P. Roshchupkin, doctor of physical and mathematical Sciences, Professor of the Higher School of engineering and physics, Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University, named after Peter the Great (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Vladimir Yaryi, President of the “Adamant” Lodge of the Theosophical society of Russia, head of the Moscow school of Theosophy (Russia. Moscow),
    Evgeniya Shaboornikova, project Coordinator of Fund of Assistance to development of socially significant and educational activities "Theosophy" (Russia, Moscow).Pavel Malakhov, President of “the Light of Truth” Lodge, Theosophical society of Russia (Russia Kemerovo),
    Kolganov Sergey - candidate of philosophical Sciences, the Department of the Moscow aviation Institute (Russia. Moscow), Ulanov Mergen Sanjievich — Professor, doctor of philosophy, Institute of Philology and Oriental studies (Kalmykia, Elista), Fratzusov S. A. - doctor of historical Sciences, Professor of St. Petersburg state University (Saint Petersburg), S. G. Jura – candidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor of Donetsk national technical University (DPR), V. A. Bakanov Russian esoteric school of Theosophy named after E. P. Blavatsky (Kemerovo).

  • Е.П.Блаватская. История удивительной жизни
  • knizhnaya ekspeditsiya

For the first time in Russia! The International Theosophical Congress presents a unique edition of the book by Sylvia Cranston "E.P.Blavatsky. The story of an amazing life" at the exhibition "Book Expedition"!

The long-awaited book was published in the publishing house EKSMO! Finally in Russia there will be a full biography of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky.

The book dedicated to the 190th anniversary of the birth of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky is the first biography of this scale. Unlike the rest of her predecessors, Sylvia Cranston describes both the life and the teachings of Blavatsky, since they should be considered inseparably from each other. While working on this book, the author studied all the works and articles of Blavatsky, with a volume of about 10,000 pages.

From the book: "The author reveals other aspects of the influence of H. P. Blavatsky in part VII "A century Later" in the chapters on religion, psychology, literature, art, music and the New Age current, of which she is often called the mother. The chapter "Science and the Secret Doctrine" tells how accurately H. P. Blavatsky predicted future scientific discoveries in her work. She predicted great changes in the world of science between 1888 and 1897. Scientists - contemporaries of Blavatsky - complained that all the great discoveries in physics, chemistry and astronomy had been made, and there was no unexplored ground left for research. And then in 1895, 1896 and 1897, three discoveries thundered all over the world, thanks to which an endless area became available for research that has not been completed to this day. This chapter sheds light on the reasons why Einstein and other scientists turned to the "Secret Doctrine".

Become participants of a significant event!

For cooperation with Publishers on the reception of books for the Exhibition, please contact, tel/ whatsapp +7 (926) 910-92-77


Application for participation in the exhibition