Study V Sloka III Stanza «The Root remains, the Light remains, the Curds remain and Still OEAOHOO is One». Responses to Questions participants and comments live.

День Белого Лотоса

✔️ Viewing all chapters of the film "Beauty is the Garment of Truth. H.P. Blavatsky" ✔️ questions and answers, comments, expert opinions, working moments of a live meeting with foreign and Russian theosophists, scientists, researchers, students, with simultaneous translation into Russian and English.

Only one day on May 6 (Saturday) at 11am "Creative meeting with Oleg Martynov" for university students of the faculties of cinematography, television, journalism, translation Studies, Cultural Studies, Oriental Studies, Linguistics, Religious Studies, Tibetology, linguistics, psychology, historical, philosophical.

Online study class

Study of the III Stanza, the II Sloka «The Vibration sweeps along,touching with its swift Wing the whole Universe and the Germ that dwelleth in Darkness, the Darkness that breathes over the slumbering Waters of Life»


Research of III Stanza, V Sloka «The Root remains, the Light remains, the Curds remain and Still OEAOHOO is One.»

Online study class

Study of the III Stanza, the III Sloka of the Secret Doctrine by HPB «Darkness radiates light, and light drops one solitary ray into the mother-deep. The ray shoots through the virgin egg, the ray causes the eternal egg to thrill, and drop the non-eternal germ, which condenses into the world-egg»