Knowledge of the Laws of the first 3 Stanzas and the basis of understanding the Secret Doctrine, the first sound, the Heart and the keys to the future, the design of the idea of the Creative Logos and the cessation of suffering, Akasha solvent of manifested life and Manvantara, the nucleus of the atom and the human cell, thought ready to sound and the inevitability of form, the Will to create and the spiritual impulse, a single ray and creative Love, consciousness and the achievement of the Manasic plan, the victory of Light and liberation from the limitations of the Mind, Three Stanzas, a new starting point and a single Evolution of consciousness, many others.

REVIEW OF THE SECRET DOCTRINE I - III Stanza - FINAL SEMINAR. With simultaneous translation into Russian and English.

Online study class

All key concepts ✔️ the Purple Banner of Victory and the spiritualized Mind, Creative Power and the first tremor of the Heart, Alchemy and chemical laws, the first Trinity and the mass of Light, Hierophants, Nidans and the Face of Adam Kadmon, crossed currents of Space and the human nervous system, a new starting point and a return ascending Cycle, steadfastness III Stanzas and twelve faces, purified Will and the order "Yes, there will be Light!" and much more.


The main essence and the creation of Indestructible Thought, the Power of Love and the spread of the Fabric of the Universe, the Image of man and the passage of a new starting point, polarity and the birth of the Third Force, the Twelve Shlokas and endless Atomic movement, the threshold of Nirvana and the Wheel of Time, renewed energy, the movement of Consciousness and Kalachakra, inner Strength and a Single Atom, a Symbol of the incomprehensible and a reflection of the Divine Mind and many others.

For the first time, a review of the III Stanza of all 12 Slokas, all the key points, opinions and comments for 2 hours of airtime. With simultaneous translation into Russian and English.

Online study class

Study of the III Stanza, the XI Sloka of the Secret Doctrine by HPB - The primordial Substance and form of all Worlds, Brahma and the first emanation of the ray of Parabrahma, occult philosophy and the Law of Attraction, the phenomenon of gravity and the conflict between forces, the focus of Consciousness and the Universal Law, the center of Heat and the zero point, 11 sons of Brahma and 11 Sloka, the cross and Laya, Elementals, intelligence and Intelligence, currents of electricity and dolphins, The power of consciousness renewal and AUM, and much more.