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  • Видео-приглашение.

International Music Competition dedicated to Helena Petrovna Blavatsky

Dear friends!
We invite you to become a participant in the music Competition, as part of
VI International Theosophical Congress, which will be held:
Russia, Moscow, November 24-25-26, 2023.

Only instrumental classical works are accepted.
Participants of the Contest can be representatives from all regions of the Russian Federation and other countries of the world, the age of participants is not limited.

  • Stage 1 - correspondence. The application for participation in the competition (Appendix 1), video recording of audiovisual materials (or link to a video from Youtube) must be sent to the Organizing Committee of the competition, the subject of the letter is "MUSIC COMPETITION 2023", e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. until 10/15/2023 (deadline 10/25/2023). The application can be submitted ONLINE.
  • Stage 2 - summing up the results of the Competition, notification to the participants of the Competition about the acceptance of musical works until, a prerequisite is the provision of a video recording of the performance 10/30/2023.
  • Stage 3 - selection of the winner of the Contest by nominations, according to clause 4.3. until 11/11/2023.

Based on the results, a poetic collection of works by participants of the Contest can be published. In addition, we expect the appearance of new names in various areas of art, science and public life.

Participation in the Competition is free!


Organizing Committee of the International Theosophical Congress
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,
tel / WhatsApp +7 (926) 910-92-77, Moscow

Position Competition Online Application Form Download application

Winners of Competition-2022 Winners of Competition-2023