Before the VII International Theosophical Congress begins

on November 24-26, 2023 - Russia, Moscow
  • Interregional seminar

    Interregional seminar

  • Theosophy and Society Round Table

    Theosophy and Society Round Table

  • Online classes

    Online classes "Secret Doctrine"

  • Seminars

    Seminars "Secret Doctrine"

Speakers of the International Theosophical Congress

Theosophia Foundation Projects

International Theosophical Congress

International Theosophical Congress

The main concept of the event: the promotion of the formation and establishment in the society of the system of spiritual values based on the ideas and principles of theosophy.
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ALBATROSS — International Theosophical publishing house

ALBATROSS — International Theosophical publishing house

Theosophists of Russia, the Philippines, and India worked on the project. The Albatross - symbolizes a long, soaring flight, indicates a safe path, the divine white messenger carrying good news, symbolizes the unity of the world of man and nature, being the messenger of another world, pride, reassessment of values.
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Publication of the unique translation for the first time in Russian

Publication of the unique translation for the first time in Russian "KALACHAKRA-Tantra"

The author is a famous Tibetologist, one of the most prominent Russian researchers of Buddhist culture and philosophy of the Asian countries, a student of Y.N. Roerich Vilena Sandzheevna Dylykova. The book provides correspondences and references to the greatest work of H.P. Blavatsky " The SECRET DOCTRINE". The book was published with the blessing of His Holiness Dalai Lama XIV.
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International Art Competition dedicated to Helena Petrovna Blavatskaya

International Art Competition dedicated to Helena Petrovna Blavatskaya

Participants are artists, sculptors of the Russian Federation, Sweden, Finland, China, India, Poland, Ukraine, Germany. The competition is intended to reveal talented artists whose works show ideas of morality, spiritual search for a person, propaganda of ideas of universal values, ideals of good, mercy and charity, unity of religion, science, philosophy and culture.
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International Poetry Competition

International Poetry Competition "Helena Petrovna Blavatskaya"

We invite you to become a participant in the poerty Competition. Poetic works in different styles, forms and sizes of versification are accepted. Age of participants is not limited.
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International Music Competition dedicated to Helena Petrovna Blavatsky

International Music Competition dedicated to Helena Petrovna Blavatsky

Only classical music works are accepted. Participants of the Contest can be representatives from all regions of the Russian Federation and other countries of the world, the age of participants is not limited.
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The theosophists speak. Category

The theosophists speak. Category "Question and Answer"

The "Question-Answer" category means questions from participants of Theosophical Seminars held by the School of Theosophy, Head — Vladimir Vasilyevich Yary, member of the TS (Adyar)
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Monument H.P. Blavatsky

Monument H.P. Blavatsky

Monument's sketches of the young artist from St. Petersburg Alexandra Suleymanova. Three sculptures of Helena Petrovna: a sculpture of Helena Petrovna bent over a book, as if she were writing The Secret Doctrine, a sculpture dedicated to Exposed Isis, and a project of a future monument to E. Blavatsky.
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Olympiad of Culture under the Banner of Peaceа

Olympiad of Culture under the Banner of Peaceа

The Day of Culture as a form uniting all categories of the population in cooperation and educational work is the unification of people for spiritual improvement, for creative and business cooperation. Day of Culture, held at the same time one day, and preparation for it should go for a year.
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Competition of Russian cities for the right to host the International Theosophical Congress

Competition of Russian cities for the right to host the International Theosophical Congress "Theosophy - the heritage of the Great Country"

Representatives of the fields of science, education, culture, public organizations whose activities are based on spiritual and moral education of society, scientific research aimed at the ideas of humanism, morality, mutual assistance, regardless of nationality and religion, can apply for participation in the Competition.
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Theosophical Seminars

Theosophical Seminars

We invite you to participate in Seminars, lectures on theosophy, ask your questions, write suggestions for improving your activities, discuss with us various topics related to the understanding of theosophical material.
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Author's film by Oleg Martynov

Author's film by Oleg Martynov

Films about H.P. Blavatsky are based on autobiographical sources: Sylvia Cranston "H.P. Blavatsky"; Howard Murphy "Elena Blavatsky"; Mary Nef "Personal Memoirs of H.P. Blavatsky"; Oleg Boldyrev "Messenger of Shambhala. Blavatskaya."; Henry Olcott " Pages of an old diary"; "Letters of Blavatsky"; "The Occult World of Blavatsky"; etc.
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A volunteer can be anyone who is interested in providing disinterested assistance in the form of gratuitous services and / or work.

Theosophia Foundation News