"The world is moving not only with powerful impulses that heroes give it, but also with tiny pushes of every working person."
Helen A. Keller


A volunteer (volunteer) Foundation for Supporting and Developing TEOSOPHY can be anyone interested in providing the Fund with disinterested assistance in the form of gratuitous services and / or work.

The Foundation really needs volunteers / volunteers!

  • SMM specialists
  • Photographers, videographers, editors
  • Programmers and web designers
  • Translators
  • Marketers, PR managers, inter marketing
  • Editors
  • Other specialists

How to become a volunteer (volunteer) of the Fund?

If you are 18 years old, just complete the form below!
We can benefit from any of your talents and professional experience.
Please tell us in detail about your skills in the questionnaire, and when we need your help, the Fund Coordinator will contact you.

We are waiting for you!

Profile of the Volunteer

Your support is very important to us!
Please respond and help the foundation financially as much as you can.
Your help is a contribution to the development of Theosophy all over the world!

Bank details

TIN 7839107220 / KPP 783901001
Current account 40703810355000001551
Bank name Sberbank PJSC
Correspondent account 30101810500000000653
BIK 044030653
Purpose of transfer Voluntary donation for statutory purposes

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You can donate to the Theosophy Foundation any amount from 50 rubles:


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by the minutes №1 of the meeting of Governing Board of the Foundation
for support and development of Theosophy
on September 25th 2018

This concept defines:

  • The main ideas, objectives, tasks and principles by which the Foundation for support and development of Theosophy (infra: The Foundation) shall be guided by in its statutory activities;
  • The main lines of activities of the Foundation.

The objective of activities of the Foundation

The main objective of the Foundation is to support and progress Theosophy.

Grounds of necessity of activities of the Foundation

There are the following serious problems of the modern society preventing its development in the great extent:

  • Low spiritual and moral level of the society:
    • loss of the objective and meaning of life by many people;
    • priority of material interests over the spiritual values;
    • priority of personal interests over those of the others;
    • people are divided by ideas, lacking the one basic worldview.
  • The spiritual and creative potency of the modern youth is getting substantially low:
    • young people have no skills nor desire for work, no creative approach for solution of life problems;
    • cult of consumerism is being widespread among the young people; pleasure is regarded as the highest good and goal of life;
    • decline of family values, neglect to traditions, no respect for the elder generation;
    • lack of patriotic ideas and mockery on them.
  • Lack of the spiritual landmarks in culture and arts:
    • waning interest to highly spiritual arts in favour of the visual forms and performance arts;
    • standardization and unification of cultural values, loss of the national cultural identity, propaganda of the western way of life and models of behaviour;
    • commercialization of culture and arts; growing introduction of manipulative technologies there.
  • Limitations of scientific methods for cognizing the world. Many cognition methods and instruments of enquiry prevent science from getting to the new global level of development and from getting answers to the most relevant problems of modern reality.

In particular, it occurs so due to:

  • division and contraposition of human and natural sciences;
  • purely materialistic approach to research in natural sciences;
  • prejudices and dogmas in scientific mileau preventing the new hypothesis and alternative models of the universe from finding their place in the science;
  • lack of the synthesis of ancient and modern knowledge, of science, religion and philosophy;
  • lack of acknowledging and approval of the various methods and instruments of exploring reality as the scientific ones.

Essential prerequisite for solution of the social problems mentioned above is the radical transformation of consciousness of each unit of society. Progressive change of thinking and the positive social changes, as its effect, can be achieved through the development and support of theosophy. Efficiency of elimination of the current problems depends a lot on using the system approach using innovative methods and procedures. The approach to solution of the problems of modern society based on theosophical ideas and principles fully meets these requirements as to efficiency.

Objects of the Foundation

 To reach the appointed goal, the solution of the following tasks based on theosophical principles is needed:

  • Encouragement of propagation of the theosophical knowledge in society, popularization of theosophical ideas in spheres of education, science, culture, arts and other spheres of life;
  • Assistance for formation and implanting in society the system of spiritual values which shall be based on theosophical ideas and principles.
  • Encouragement of uniting together efforts of students of theosophical science and enquirers, and uniting various methods and systems helping to evolution.
  • Assistance to the studies in Laws of Time, or Kalačakra (sanskr. "Wheel of Time") as a scientific basis of theosophy; to the promotion, translation and publication of sacred texts of Tibetan Buddhist Canon and ancient Indian philosophic works, including treatises furthering development of such sciences as astrology, astronomy, physics, chemistry, biology, psychology, medicine.
  • Encouragement of comparative study of religion, philosophy and science.
  • Encouragement of development of culture and arts with spiritual and moral content, widening and strengthening of cultural connection based on theosophical traditions and popularization of the best achievements of the world culture.

Main lines of work of the Foundation

  • Support and implementation of the programs, projects and events (including conferences, lectures, seminars, workshops, symposia, panel discussions, briefings, etc) aimed to achieve objects of the Foundation, as selfdependingly as well in collaboration with other legal bodies and persons.
  • Charitable activities.
  • Support and running events, programs and projects and events for pooling of experience in theosophical activities; support of effective coordination between scientific, cultural, educational organizations and business communities for sharing experience.
  • Providing financial, organizational and other support for initiatives of persons and organizations which meet the goals and objectives of the Foundation;
  • Encouragement the formation of the new research, educational and other centers whose activities are aimed at achieving the goals and objectives of the Foundation;
  • Support and running events of cultural significance: concerts, exhibitions, festivals, theatrical performances, as well as other social and cultural events aimed at achieving the goals and objectives of the Foundation;
  • Promoting legislative work on the activities of the Foundation; promoting research on the development of legislative proposals;
  • Public opinion research in the field of theosophy;
  • Dissemination of information on the activities of the Foundation, including that through the mass media; preparation and funding publications; production and release of films, videos, media presentations and other forms of conveying information using modern technologies, as well as distribution of monographs, compilations, textbooks, teaching and reference books and other works contributing to the achievement of goals and objectives of the Foundation;
  • Publishing and printing activities in accordance with the goals and objectives of the Foundation;
  • Organization of exhibitions, museums, libraries, resource centers and databases in order to implement the objectives of the Foundation;
  • Running the campaigns of social advertisement for the implementation of the goals and objectives of the Foundation;
  • Participation in grant competitions and other similar projects and programs for getting material assistance from the State, legal entities and persons to achieve the objectives of the Foundation;
  • Interaction with state authorities and local governments on the issues of the Foundation activities.

Principles of the Foundation activities

In its activities the Foundation is guided by the following principles:

  • The principle of legality, which means that the Foundation, when running its statutory activities, strictly adheres to the laws of the Russian Federation, generally accepted principles and norms of international law;
  • The principle of openness (transparency) of the activities, which is achieved by posting on the website of the Foundation www.fondtheosophy.ru reports on the its activities and information on the ongoing projects;
  • The principle of targeted use of funds received by the Foundation; what means that the use of donations and other income is carried out by the Foundation strictly for the purposes outlined by the Constitution and Rules of the Foundation, and in accordance with the wishes of the charity providers.

Approval of the Concept

This Concept, as well as changes and additions to it, comes into force since the moment of its approval by the decision of the Governing Board of the Foundation.

The Board of Trustees is the supervisory authority of the Foundation for the Support and Development of TEOSOPHY.

The Board of Trustees oversees all the activities of the Foundation, the decisions of the other bodies of the Foundation and the enforcement of their implementation, the expenditure of funds by the Foundation.

The Board of Trustees is designed to help attract funding and other support for the Foundation's statutory activities.

The Board of Trustees operates on a voluntary basis.

How to join the Board of Trustees of the Foundation for the Support and Development of TEOSOPHY?

In order to become a member of the Board of Trustees, it is necessary to issue a Statement of consent to join the Board of Trustees.

The inclusion in the Board of Trustees of the Fund is based on the decision of the Fund's Management Board.

More information about the powers of the Board of Trustees can be found in the Charter of the Foundation for the Support and Development of THEOSOPHY in the section of the site ON THE FOUNDATION - Legal Instrument.

We express our sincere hope for mutual understanding and cooperation.

Members of the Board of Trustees

Алексей Дмитриевич Леонов Alexey Dmitrievich Leonov (born in 1982) is a sculptor. The author of the monuments of bronze monuments: a monument to Yuri Roerich (2007), the young Mikhail Lomonosov (2011), a memorial plaque to academician B.V. Rauschenbach (2016). Monuments of K.E. Tsiolkovsky and S.P. Korolev, “The Connection of Times” (2011), the Holy Martyr Kuksha of Pechersk (2014), St. Lawrence Righteous (2015), and others.

In 2012, the International Charitable Public Foundation "Dialogue of Cultures - One World" erected a three-meter monument to the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin (2011) near NASA headquarters in Houston. The monument to Mother Teresa was installed at the ETNOMIR Cultural and Educational Center in the Kaluga Region of Russia and donated to the city of Kolkata and Rome. Monument to F.F. Bellingshausen (2016) is located in Uruguay.

Busts H. P. Blavatsky (2014) - at the UN headquarters in New York, in the Indian city of Chennai and in Naarden (the Netherlands).

During the period from 2005 to 2016, more than 80 solo exhibitions were held. Alexey Leonov's works are located in more than 50 cities of the world, such as: Chicago, New York, Washington, Strasbourg, Le Bourget, Cologne, Berlin, Copenhagen, Heraklion, Prague, Varna, Kuala Lumpur, Montevideo, Mumbai, Calcutta , Beijing, Astana, Ulan Bator, etc.

Николай Владимирович МакаренкоNikolay Vladimirovich Makarenko (born in 1948) - Chairman of the Board of the Delphis Foundation for the Preservation and Development of Cultural Values, former executive director of the International Association for World Culture Day, the International League for the Protection of Culture, ex-deputy director of the Museum to them. N.K. Roerich International Center of the Roerichs..

Виктор Анатольевич ТузлуковViktor Anatolievich Tuzlukov (born in 1964) - Master jeweler, Honored Worker of stone-cutting art, member of the American Guild of Cutters, world record holder in stone-cutting techniques, Member of the Union of Artists of the Russian Federation, winner of the Gold Feather of Russia Award, member of the Theosophical Society (Adyar ).

Чирятьев Михаил НиколаевичMikhail Nikolayevich Chiryatyev (born 1949) - Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Ecology, Safety of Man and Nature, Advisor of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Member of the Russian Geographical Society.