The winners of the Art Competition in the age category "Children" were a student of the Art School named after V.A. Serova, Shakhty, Rostov Region, in the age category "Adults" was won by Julia Lonchakova, St. Petersburg

On November 8, 2019, the Conference of the International Association of Peace Funds was held in Moscow.

The president of the association (IAРF), international grandmaster Anatoly Evgenievich Karpov, opened the Conference with a welcoming speech.

Единая эволюция сознаний

From February 12 to February 17, 2019, the 27th School-Seminar was held in Kemerovo. Seminar participants sorted Station IV and V of the second volume of The Secret Doctrine, H.P. Blavatsky, presented reports based on theosophical works, presentations. The Round Table “Theosophical Society, Theosophist, Theosophy” was held as part of the School. The school-seminar was traditionally held in the Climber Club, which was founded by V.A. Bakanov.

Sometimes it so happens that people appear in place where we are going to go on vacation. A seminar in Irkutsk wasnt planned. We have long wanted to get to Mongolia, bow to holy places, visit the famous lake, the sacred place of Mongolia - Khubsugul.

The First International Scientific Conference "Russian Forces in France in the Balkans (1916-1918) in the history and memory of Russia and Europe." at the opening of the Museum of the Russian Diaspora in the House of A. Solzhenitsyn (Moscow). The organizers are the foundation of the Society for the Memory of Soldiers. V.L. Melnikov - Candidate of Culturology (St. Petersburg) made an interesting report on the famous orientalist V.V. Golubev, about his meetings, correspondence and friendship with N.K. Roerich.

On May 8, on the Day of Memory of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (White Lotus Day), a meeting of Russian theosophists was held in Moscow.

The meeting was attended by members of the Lodge "Adamant", "Anahata", "Sofia" and the theosophical community. Konstantin Zaitsev, President of the Anahat Lodge, read the lines of the «Voice of Silence», the founder of the Adamant Lodge and the head of the Moscow School of Theosophy, Vladimir Yary, spoke about the energy of the day and the importance of unity, Elena ога. Blavatsky, creative performances prepared by George Avrutsky, Denis Kiselev continued the story of the biography of H.P. Blavatsky, Evgenia Shaburnnikova presented the topic of the Four Halls from the Voice of Silence.