Study III Sloka III Stanza. Responses to Questions participants and comments live.

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Invitation to cooperation of volunteers: translators, editors, specialists, media designers, marketers, photo and video editors, photographers, operators, managers of PR, intermarketing, social design, event management technologies.

Online study class

Study of the III Stanza, the I Sloka of the Secret Doctrine by HPB «The last vibration of the seventh eternity thrills through infinitude. The mother swells, expanding from within without, like the bud of the lotus».


Research of III Stanza, IV Sloka «The Three fall into the Four. The Radiant Essence becomes Seven inside, Seven outside. The Luminous Egg, which in itself is Three, curdles and spreads in milk-white Curds throughout the Depths of Mother, the root that grows in the Depths of the Ocean of Life.»

Online study class

Study of the III Stanza, the II Sloka of the Secret Doctrine by HPB «The Vibration sweeps along,touching with its swift Wing the whole Universe and the Germ that dwelleth in Darkness, the Darkness that breathes over the slumbering Waters of Life.»