Time and differentiation, numbers and symbols, the individual form and thought of the Teacher, SAT and Absolute Being, carrier and upadhi of Divine Thought, immaculate conception and the essence of awakening consciousness, mystery and knowledge, awareness of humanity and true Brotherhood, mental breathing and the art of reflection, the true form of the body and the highest triad, sevenfold and the point of synthesis and many others.

Dear Theosophists! We inform you that the Russian Lodge "Adamant", as well as other members of the Theosophical Society with diplomas from the TS (Adyar), namely 46 theosophists, announce their official withdrawal from membership of the TS (Adyar), according to their personal statements.

With the support of Foundation of socially significant and educational activities development "THEOSOPHY". For all those who study and are interested in the Theosophical works of H. P. Blavatsky!

Online study class

Opening of the season! A study of the 2nd Stanza, the 2nd Sloka of the Secret Doctrine by HPB.


Dear friends, we invite you to our TikTok channel. The most relevant projects, interesting news, research, answers to vital questions, explanations of complex and incomprehensible.


On September 24 - Research of II Stanza, VI Sloka «These Two are the Germ, and the Germ is One. The Universe was still concealed in the Divine Thought and the Divine Bosom.»