Answers to questions on the 3st Sloka, 1st Stanza, I volume of the Secret Doctrine - "Universal Mind was not, for there were no AH-HI (celestial beings) to contain (hence to manifest) It".

For all those who study and are interested in the Theosophical works of H. P. Blavatsky!

This study class on H. P. Blavatsky's The Secret Doctrine is oriented towards youth (although all are welcome to attend).


On March 27, at 3 PM (Moscow time) - Join to take part in this interesting! For all those who study and are interested in the theosophical works of H.P. Blavatsky.

Online study class

March 11 | 15:00 GMT | 18:00 MSK | 07:00 IST | 23:00 PHT


Answers to questions on the 2st Sloka, 1st Stanza, I volume of the Secret Doctrine - "TIME WAS NOT, FOR IT LAY ASLEEP IN THE INFINITE BOSOM OF DURATION".