For the first time, a review of the III Stanza of all 12 Slokas, all the key points, opinions and comments for 2 hours of airtime. With simultaneous translation into Russian and English.

Online study class

The final 12 Sloka of the legendary 3 Dzyan Stanza, all key points, research, discoveries, opinions, comments

Online study class

Study of the III Stanza, the XI Sloka of the Secret Doctrine by HPB - The primordial Substance and form of all Worlds, Brahma and the first emanation of the ray of Parabrahma, occult philosophy and the Law of Attraction, the phenomenon of gravity and the conflict between forces, the focus of Consciousness and the Universal Law, the center of Heat and the zero point, 11 sons of Brahma and 11 Sloka, the cross and Laya, Elementals, intelligence and Intelligence, currents of electricity and dolphins, The power of consciousness renewal and AUM, and much more.


Svabhavat and the active force of Fohat, limitation and infinity of Consciousness, pulsation of Eternal Life and creative potentiality of man, cycle of 10 years — the discovery of a new approach to Teaching and 12 Slokas, Inner and outer Hearing and Light Source, reflection in the fabric of Atoms of Life and the design of ideas of the Universal Mind, differentiation of Daiviprakriti and Hierarchical Power, 14 and 7 Manu, Brahma and the Law of the movement of Evolution, Movement in a spiral and straight line, the sequence of ascent and the change in the structure of the Atom, the return ascending cycle, 12 Slokas, 12 Warriors and a Heart ready to give Love and many others.

Study XII Sloka III Stanza of the Secret Doctrine by HPB «Then Svabhavat sends Fohat to harden the atoms. Each is a part of the Web. Reflecting the "Self-existent Lord" like a mirror, each becomes in turn a world».

Online study class

Study of the III Stanza, the X Sloka of the Secret Doctrine by HPB «Father-Mother spin a Web whose upper end is fastened to Spirit – the Light of the One Darkness – and the lower one to its shadowy end, Matter; and this Web is the Universe spun out of the two substances made in One, which is Svabhavat»