Online study class

A study of the 2nd Stanza, the 1nd Sloka of the Secret Doctrine by HPB.

For all those who study and are interested in the Theosophical works of H. P. Blavatsky!

White Lotus

Live broadcast from Nizhny Novgorod - the Winner city of the VI International Theosophical Congress on November 26-27, 2022


The Battle decides Destiny. The destruction of Darkness is Advancement. The Hour will break for every Consciousness. And the Truth shall shine in Shining Light. AUM.

White Lotus

Offline/Online project HOUR TOGETHER - The International Theosophical relay race "White Lotus" under the Banner of Peace will be held in Nizhny Novgorod on May 8 at 11.00 am (moscow time)

Online study class

On May 12th, a study of the 2nd Stanza, the 1nd Sloka of the Secret Doctrine by HPB "...Where were the Builders, the Luminous Sons of Manvantaric Dawn? ...In the Unknown Darkness in their Ah-hi Paranishpanna. The Producers of Form from No-Form – the Root of the World – the Devamâtri and Svabhâvat, rested in the Bliss of Non-Being."