Chernozemova Elena Nikolaevna, Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Moscow Pedagogical State University (Moscow, Russia). Elena Nikolaevna, was born in the city of Astrakhan.

Graduated from the Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical Institute in 1979, having received the qualification of "Teacher of Russian language and Literature.

In 1989 she defended her PhD thesis "John Lily's Dramaturgy: The Problem of Genre". The topic of the doctoral dissertation is "The system of genres of English drama of the 80-90s of the XVI century". 1995.

Since 1993, she has been associated with the Moscow Pedagogical State University, where she completed her doctoral studies, defended her dissertation and works as a professor. In a number of publications, it reflects the development of the problem of over-knowledge by works of world artistic culture.

Author of the books "Revealing the unity of the fundamental principles of Christianity and integral yoga, Cosmic worldview – new thinking of the XXI century". "Substantiation of the priority of culture in the life of society and protection of its guardians.

Priority of culture in the life of society" and many others. She was awarded the medal "For Contribution to the development of education in Russia", the A.F.Losev Prize three times, for scientific works and textbooks for universities.

Kastamoniti Iphigenia, European School of Theosophy (Greece, Athens).

Iphigenia Kastamoniti was born in Greece. She graduated from the Greek Commercial, Economic High School in Athens, a school in Holliston, USA. She has worked as a flight attendant for the Greek airline Olympic Airways for 25 years and has visited many countries of the world, both professionally and individually, speaks English, French, Italian, Spanish. She joined the Greek branch of the Theosophical Society in 1995.

Lecturer and member of the Greek Council for 20 years, editor of the theosophical journal ILISSOS, translator and editor of many classical theosophical works. Articles have been published in the Greek theosophical magazine ILISSOS, as well as in the online magazines Hermes, in the magazine of the Alpine Club Acharnai in Athens. Secretary of the European School of Theosophy since 2018.

George G. Khmurkin, Senior Lecturer at the Moscow Aviation Institute, Candidate of the Center for the History of Religion and the Church of the Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences. (Russia, Moscow) Georgiy Georgievich was born in Elista, Kalmykia, graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University with honors (Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics). During his studies, he was engaged in axiomatic set theory and algorithmic genomics under the guidance of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences V.A.Lyubetsky.

In 2006 He entered the postgraduate course of the same faculty in the History of Mathematics and Mechanics, where, under the guidance of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Doctor of Historical Sciences M.M. Rozhanskaya, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences S.S.Petrova, he began to study the history of mathematics of ancient and early medieval India. At the same time, he studied Sanskrit at the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University — first under the guidance of Doctor of Philology V.A. Kochergina, then under the guidance of Doctor of Philology V.V.Vertogradova (a student of Yu.N.Roerich).

From 2012 to 2016 — Researcher of the Mathematics History Sector of the Department of the History of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of the S.I.Vavilov Institute of the History of Natural Science and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences;

From 2007 to 2018 he worked at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, conducted seminars and lectured on various sections of higher mathematics.

In 2018-2020, he prepared for publication the 2nd and 3rd books of the Tibetologist, Candidate of Philological Sciences V.S.Dylykova from the trilogy "Kalachakra Tantra".

Author of 4 books and about 40 scientific and journalistic works on the history of Indian mathematics, the legacy of the Roerichs family, the biography of V.I. Lenin, author of an academic translation from Sanskrit into Russian of fragments from Mahavira's mathematical essay "Collection of the basic provisions of the science of computing".

Narendran Arni, Theosophical Society of India, Director of Education of the Virtual Theosophical Research Center Adyar (India, Mumbai).

He was born in India in a family of artists. Graduated from the Madras School of Economics (awarded the degree of Industrial Relations), profession - banking consultant, financial management. As a student, Arnie was a member of the editorial board of the journal "Student News", published by the World University Service in Geneva for the Indian edition. Later he was a correspondent in Mumbai for the metaphysical magazine Phoenix Rising. Member of the Theosophical Society since 1975.

He served as the manager of the International Theosophical Youth Center in Adyar, Chennai, the headquarters of the. Arni Narendran's articles have been published in the Bombay Theosophical Bulletin, the Gandhian magazine "Gandhi Rights" and "Synergy" (Mumbai), "Theosophy Forward" (Brazil) FOTA Magazine (Greece) Hermes Magazine (Athens), Albatross (Moscow), TOS Newsletter (USA). The articles have been translated into Spanish, Finnish, Japanese and Russian. Lecturer on the topics of theosophical metaphysics and art history.

He is currently Honorary Treasurer of the Blavatsky Lodge of the Theosophical Society in Mumbai, a life member of the Theosophical Order of Service, Director of Education of the Virtual Center for Theosophical Studies (Adyar).