Presentations by the speakers of the VII International Theosophical Congress
November 24-26, 2023 - Moscow, Russia
Vladimir Yary
psychologist, head of the School of Theosophy (Moscow, Russia)
"The Age of Fire and the discipline of the Mind"Evgeniya Shaburnikova
Project coordinator of the Foundation for the Promotion of Socially Significant and Educational Activities "Theosophy" (Moscow, Russia)
"he trajectory of rays as a key differentiation aspect. Systemic application of the Secret Doctrine"Victoria Kravchenko
twice Doctor of Science in Philosophy, Professor of the International Law Institute (Moscow, Russia)
"The role of H.P. Blavatsky in the historical process of the Russian mentality’s genesis"Srinivasan Krishnamoorthy Iyer
PhD (Madurai, India)
"The philosophical aspect of “The Secret Doctrine”."Ilya Volnov
PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Director of the Center for Technological Support of Education of Moscow Polytechnic University (Moscow, Russia)
"V.I. Vernadsky's sphere-wise approach and the measurement of the immeasurable"José Manuel Anacleto
President of the Lusitanian Center for Cultural Unity (Lisbon, Portugal)
"A moment's reflection on the eternal. H.P. Blavatsky"Sergey Kolganov
PhD, Professor of the Department of Philosophy of the Moscow Aviation Institute (Moscow, Russia)
"Ecology of the soul and the image of the future"Vera Golenishcheva-Kutuzova
Presentation of H.P. Blavatsky’s medallionMichelina Foster
Doctor of Metaphysical Science, member of the Theosophical Society (California, USA)
"The balance of the heart."Egor Turley
PhD in Physics and Mathematics (Moscow, Russia)
"The Crucifixion of Man, or what is the Truth?"Lyubov Bukataya
PhD in Biology, Head of the Altai Regional Non-governmental Research Organization "Institute of Spiritual Vision and Worldview Positions" (Barnaul, Russia)
"Theosophical keys of H.P. Blavatsky to the improvement of modern society"Brigitte Taquin
The Theosophical Society of France, Blavatsky Lodge (Paris, France)
"Psychology of Compassion"Sergey Roshchupkin
Doctor of Science in Physics and Mathematics, PhD, Professor of the Higher School of Fundamental Physical Research of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (St. Petersburg, Russia)
"Multiverse: physics and theosophy"Elena Shakhmatova
PhD in Art History, Doctor of Science in Philosophy, Associate Professor, Head of the Scientific Department of the Russian Institute of Theatrical Art GITIS (Moscow, Russia)
"The influence of Blavatsky's Theosophy on the culture and art of the Silver Age"Kishore Ongole
Theosophical Society of India (Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India)
"“The Voice of Silence” by H.P. Blavatsky"Vladimir Chernov
Doctor of Science in Economics, PhD, Professor of the Department of Finance and Credit of Nizhny Novgorod National Research State University named after N.I. Lobachevsky (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)
"Contradictions and synthesis of scientific and religious consciousness"Un Hak Hwang
PhD, Professor of the School of Liberal Arts, Korea University of Technology and Education (Seoul, South Korea)
"The study of ontological interactions: the unraveling of the world soul"