Answers to questions on the 9st Sloka, 1st Stanza, I volume of the Secret Doctrine - "But where was Dangma when the Alaya of the Universe was in Paramârtha, and the Great Wheel was Anupadaka?".

Who starts Evolution? What is Alaya? Anupapadaka is the basis of what? Who removes the veils from the Absolute? About the law of Karma, about the Mahat and Logos, about the Cause and effect of Nidans, about Light and Love, etc. See the answers here. Video with captions in English


International Online Research Seminars "the Secret Doctrine by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky".
For all those who study and are interested in the Theosophical works of H. P. Blavatsky!

  • Participants - a research group of foreign and Russian Theosophists and scientists (comments, questions, debates).
  • Speakers - present research material on the Secret Doctrine by H. P. Blavatsky.
  • Students - those who study and are interested in Theosophical works.

The Research Group includes Theosophists and scientists from Korea, the United Kingdom, the United States, the Philippines, India, Greece, Spain, and Russia!
English-Russian translators work for Russian and foreign students.

Everyone can join the meeting on the zoom platform
We are waiting for YOU at online SEMINARS!

It's easy to be together!

Link to connect to the next webinar 12/25/2021 (access is open without a password or ID):