Etheric tissue and incubation of the Embryo, the inactive and effective Power of Swabhavat, The Essence of the Universe, the Higher and Lower Ether, the Power of creation, the Building impulse and Vortex, the ascending spiral and Evolution, Infinity and psychic energy, Mahat and the first product of differentiation, fertilization of Ether and the Essence of Swabhavat, The Heart and the Power of transformation, Indestructible Brahma and destruction, The Pattern of Eternity and Immortalityand many others.

Study X Sloka III Stanza of the Secret Doctrine by HPB «Father-Mother spin a Web whose upper end is fastened to Spirit – the Light of the One Darkness – and the lower one to its shadowy end, Matter; and this Web is the Universe spun out of the two substances made in One, which is Svabhavat».

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Study of the III Stanza, the VIII Sloka of the Secret Doctrine by HPB «Where was the germ and where was now darkness? Where is the spirit of the flame that burns in thy lamp, oh lanoo? The germ is that, and that is light, the white brilliant son of the dark hidden father»

Study IX Sloka III Stanza of the Secret Doctrine by HPB «Light is Cold Flame, and Flame is Fire, and Fire produces heat, which yields Water: the Water of life in the Great Mother».


Light, Flame, Fire and great Potentiality, internal movement and Essence of electricity, the cause of the elements and missing links in chemistry, living consciousness — manifested consciousness as a process of combination and decomposition of elements, heat and cold, negative and positive elements, awe, matter and the first impulse of Fohat, Great Truth, great measure, structure spaces and the primary Atom, the greatest phenomena and changes in Consciousness, the Fohat vortex and the Shield of Humanity, and many others.

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Study of the III Stanza, the VII Sloka. All key concepts ✔️ The Seventh Sloka is the Seventh Veil and the last test, The Path of Shining Light and the Builders of the Universe, the reflection of Oeaohoo Sr. and Absolute meaning, the Son of the Sun and Sephiroth, the Light of Oeaohoo and the veils of Maya, the Step of God and the step of the Creator 1,3,7, The Solar Logos and the coagulation of Light, The Victory of Light over Darkness and the Law of Cosmic Will, Eka, Chatur, Sapta, Tridasha and the 7th levels of free elements, Avalokiteshvara, Nous, Mind, Mahat and Ether, 2 and 9 creation, Odobaur — 9 door, 50 gates and the Powers of Shakhti, Ectoplasm, Prana, living electricity and storage of psychic energy and more