Online study class

Study of the III Stanza, the IV Sloka «Then the three fall into the four. The radiant essence becomes seven inside, seven outside. The luminous egg, which in itself is three, curdles and spreads in milk-white curds throughout the depths of mother, the root that grows in the depths of the ocean of life»


The Root of Immortality and the Root of Life, a drop of Amrita and movement, the preservation of Light and the crystallization of Spirit, Monad and accumulation of Mind, Lucifer, Protogonos and the Primordial Light, the Face of the Abyss and the Center of the Sun, the Higher and Lower Ether, Akasha and occult electricity, the Forces of attraction and repulsion, the number 99 and the cycle of the Sun, Fohat and the thread of Ariadne, the nervous system and the spiritual immunity of the Universe and many others.

Study VI Sloka III Stanza «The Root of Life was in every Drop of the Ocean of Immortality , and the Ocean was Radiant Light, which was Fire, and Heat, and Motion. Darkness vanished and was no more; it disappeared in its own Essence, the Body of Fire and Water, of Father and Mother». Responses to Questions participants and comments live.


Illusion and light OEAOHOO, Clumps and shadow, Matter and radiance, the fifth race and the note "salt", Maya and material intermediaries, Amrita and immortality, blue Ray and Jupiter, one, three and seven syllables OEAOHOO, the Unselfish root and essence of things, seduction and the Light of knowledge of Truth.

Online study class

Study of the III Stanza, the III Sloka «Darkness radiates light, and light drops one solitary ray into the mother-deep. The ray shoots through the virgin egg, the ray causes the eternal egg to thrill, and drop the non-eternal germ, which condenses into the world-egg»

Study V Sloka III Stanza «The Root remains, the Light remains, the Curds remain and Still OEAOHOO is One». Responses to Questions participants and comments live.