Presentations by the speakers of the V International Theosophical Congress
November 27, 28, 2021 - Sochi, Russia
Vladimir Yary
Theosophical Society Russia, Head of the Moscow School of Theosophy (Moscow, Russia)
«Dedication to H. P. B.»Pablo Sender
Theosophical Society of Argentina, PhD in Biology (California, US)
«H. P. Blavatsky and the Foundations of Quantum Physics»Evgeniya Shaburnikova
Theosophical Society Russia, project coordinator of the Foundation for the Promotion of Socially Significant and Educational Activities "Theosophy" (Moscow, Russia)
«The Secret Doctrine – the Practice of Theosophy»Petra Mayer
Theosophical Society England (London, UK)
«The Secret Doctrine and the Music of the Spheres»Sergey Roshchupkin
Professor of the Higher School of Fundamental Physical Research, Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, PhD (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
«The Riddle of Light: Science and Theosophy»José Manuel Anacleto
President of Lusitanian Center for Cultural Unity (Portugal)
«Fohat – Aspects of Life Force»Sergey Kolganov
Professor at Moscow Aviation Institute, PhD in Philosophy (Moscow, Russia)
«Human Potential through the Prism of Cosmism Philosophy»Michelina Foster
Theosophical Society US, PhD in Metaphysics (California, US)
«Point of View on Karma»Georgy Khmurkin
Senior Lecturer at the Moscow Aviation Institute, PhD student at the Center for the History of Religion and the Church of the Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)
«Cycles of Evolution in the "Secret Doctrine" of H. P. Blavatsky and the "Laws of Manu"»Luke Michael Ironside
Theosophical Society England, Director of the Virtual Centre for Theosophical Studies (London, UK)
«Unity of Life»Mikhail Chiriatev
Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Ecology and Life Protection Sciences, Advisor to the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, member of the Board of Trustees of the International Roerich Memorial Trust in Kullu, India (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
«Paths to the Future»Ifigeneia Kastamoniti
European School of Theosophy (Athens, Greece)
«Seven Paths to Bliss»Ilya Volnov
Associate Professor, Director of the Center for Technological Support of Education, "Science-Art" exhibition projects curator, Moscow Polytechnic University, PhD in Technical Sciences (Moscow)
«Synthesis of Science and Art as an Alternative to Digital Transformation»Taposhri Ganguly
Theosophical Society England, PhD in Applied Statistics (London, UK)
«Kundalini - integration and factors of influence on human consciousness»Elena Chernozemova
Professor at Moscow State Pedagogical University, Doctor of Philology, PhD (Moscow, Russia)
«Ideas of Сosmism in Traditional Schools. Internal Reserves of Educational Programs»U.S. Pandey
International Speaker of the Theosophical Society, National Lecturer of the Indian Section, President of the Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand Federation (India)
«What is Truth»Vladlen Zozulchak
researcher (Donetsk, Donetsk People's Republic)
«Materialistic Dialectics in the "Secret Doctrine" and the "Mahatma Letters"»Arni Narendran
Theosophical Society, Educational Director of the Virtual Centre for Theosophical Studies (Mumbai, India)
«Reinventing Madam Blavatsky for the 21st Century»